If you are unsure which funding option is relevant or most appropriate for you please visit:

2-year-old Funding
Thousands of children across Norfolk have a right to funded early education from the age of two. If you receive qualifying benefits, your 2-year-old can access up to 570 hours of funded early education and childcare a year. This is usually taken as 15 hours a week over 38 weeks, from the claim period following their second birthday.
Step 1: Check your eligibility online
Create a Norfolk Education Online (NEO) account. Please note, if you’ve ever applied for a school place for another child, you may already have a NEO account.
To do this visit:

Step 2: Give your chosen childcare provider your unique code
You will need to give us your unique code.
15 & 30 Hours Working Entitlement Funding
- For working families in England
- For children over 9 months old from 31/8/2024
- We will allow you to ‘stretch’ 30 hour funding over 48 weeks all-year we are open, giving you an allowance of 23.75 hours per week
- 15 hour funding is only for Term Time only – if you book your child all-year round, you will have to pay for sessions in the holidays.
- Apply for all funding options via www.childcarechoices.gov.uk
- These codes MUST to be renewed every 3 months and is your responsibility to do this. Your code must be valid on the 1st day of the term you wish to use your funding – 1st Sept (Autumn Term) 1st Jan (Spring Term) 1st April (Summer Term)
- We encourage families to set up a tax-free childcare account to pay for fees if eligible. This will save you 20% on invoice fees and lunches. More info here: www.gov.uk/tax-free-childcare
Step 1: Register for Government Gateway user ID and Password
Step 2: Login to your Childcare Account and Enter Information
Step 3: Email the Office with your unique 11 digit code, National Insurance number and Child’s date of birth so that pre-checks can be completed before the term you wish to claim for.
This code needs to be renewed every 3 months and is your responsibility to do this.