
We are a power of reading school.  CLPE (Centre for Literacy in primary Education) runs Power of Reading, a successful training programme, which has supported thousands of schools in raising engagement and attainment in reading and writing for all children. We plan our teaching around the core texts chosen and these are the basis for our Literacy teaching and learning. We then have a whole school literacy book plan linked to these books, which ensures children have access to a variety of texts, both fiction and non-fiction.

Power of Reading texts

N1Biscuit Bear A Great Big Cuddle  The Train Ride Beware of the CrocodilesAaaargh Spider What the Ladybird Heard  
N2Here’s a little poem The Gigantic TurnipAstro Girl Surprising SharksBilly’s Bucket On a Sudden Hill
RThe Bog Baby Naughty BusBlue Penguin Tanka Tanka Skunk/PoetryYucky Worms Ruby’s Worry
1Beegu WildHalibut Jackson 10 things I can help the worldLila and the Rain Man on The Moon
2Leaf Claude  One Day on Blue Planet Traction manThe Bee who Spoke The Tin Forest

RSE stands for “relationships and sex education

The Relationships Education, RSE, and Health Education (England) Regulations 2019 have made Relationships Education compulsory in all primary schools. Sex education is not compulsory in primary schools.

All primary school children will be required to learn about relationships and health. Relationships and Health Education comprises two distinct areas:

  • Relationships
  • Physical health and mental wellbeing

We have designed our RSE curriculum to be:

  • Appropriate for children’s ages and development stage.
  • Sensitive to the needs and religious backgrounds of the children in the school.

 Why is there a new RSE curriculum in 2020?

The current National Curriculum, prior to 2020, has not been updated for 20 years. So much change has happened since then. Children need to learn what is relevant to them and the world they are growing up in.

The new Relationships and Health Education 2020 curriculum is designed to:

  • Help all children grow up healthy, happy and safe.
  • Give all children the knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships.
  • Support all children to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain.
  • Prepare all children for a successful adult lives.

Teaching relationships at Suffield Park Nursery and Infant School

The relationships part of the new curriculum will teach the children what they need to learn to build positive and safe relationships:

  • With family.
  • With friends.
  • Online.

Can parents withdraw their children from the new RSE Curriculum?

  • Parents cannot withdraw their child from any part of the Relationships and Health Education aspects of the RSE curriculum. It is important for ALL children to be taught the content on such essential matters as friendships and keeping safe. Remember there is no right for a parent to withdraw their child from the science curriculum.

There are separate rules on withdrawing a child from Sex Education. Sex education is separate from the Relationships and Health curriculum and parents can withdraw children from some or all of the lessons on Sex Education. At Suffield Park Nursery and Infant School we do not teach sex education as our curriculum is designed to meet the ages and needs of our infant aged pupils.

To see a detailed map of our curriculum please see this document on our website: Suffield Park Infant and Nursery School Progression Map for PSHE and RSE.

If you have any comments or questions please contact Zoe Marsden via the school office.

Useful links:

file:///H:/Downloads/Understanding-Relationships-and-Health-Education.pdf  A guide for parents   Publishing